Motto for the week: Pay attention to your thoughts and action and make sure that
they are aligned with your highest intentions.
week is a good week for taking stock and doing a life review of where we are
at as the year draws to an end. Is this current position where we want to be? If not, what have we been
putting out there?
We need to remember that our thoughts are creating our life
experience and that means we play a very active role in what we see in our
lives. As soon as we get this and understand the power our thoughts hold, we
can become more aware of what we are thinking of throughout the day.
is our current thought? Is it positive or negative. We can check in regularly
and by doing this, we can catch ourselves if we are meandering down the
negative path. Others and the circumstances we find ourselves in, play a large
role in how we react and thus feel.
The ego is very quick to blame and so we
can justify why someone else is wrong or unfair. This justifies our anger, hurt
and other negative feelings, however the road of justification is a lonely one
and at the end of it, when we are done, we are only left with one spectator and
that is ourselves.
seems to be missing of late is trust in the bigger Divine plan. It is no
co-incidence that we are on Earth at this time. We have chosen this mission and
all of its exciting and fast-moving changes as this time is the most powerful
for growth.
need to pay attention and listen! The energies right now are so potent that
manifestations occur more rapidly and almost miraculously, due to the fact that
Universal energies are supportive of our growth and of us reaching our goals
and desires.
we are manifesting positively or focusing on the negative and creating more of
what we don’t want, is really up to us. This is where we have total power and
free will, so feeling done in or victimized no longer cuts it.
One of
the key lessons right now, something which I have written about before, is to
let go!!!!! The ego is stubborn and holds on, this blocks the flow of this
potent, supportive energy.
Imagine a dam being blocked up with branches, rubble
and rubbish. The water cannot flow and will be blocked from running downstream.
As a result, the waterway will be dry and empty and very barren as nothing can
grow there without this precious water.
Over an extended period, cracks will
begin to appear in the earth and so it is with our precious life force which
gains its strength from faith and trust and the Universal energies, as it flows
it attracts all that we need to build our dreams or to have our best life
experience. However if we block the flow with negative thoughts and doubts, our
desires remain just that and we end up with a barren life experience, one of
lack and the cracks that appear over time is our health and our bodies
suffering under the strain and toxic negativity.
do we choose this week? A life of abundance or a life of lack? Remember that
like attracts like and what we focus on grows. It’s our choice.
Have a
great week.
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