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Friday, February 4, 2011

The Law of Attraction

Motto for the week: The Law of Attraction states that what we put out to the Universe is exactly what we attract….the seen and the unseen.

Watch closely this week as to who or what pushes our buttons. We would all like life to run smoothly, and as we know what we experience is a direct result of our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Those we are aware of and those we are not. What ever is reflected in another can also be found in us. This applies to both our strengths and weaknesses. When our buttons are being pushed, we tend to focus on the negative qualities of the situation, rather than trying to figure out what the gift is. Sometimes it is to make us aware of what we do not want or how we do not want to be. It can also reflect back at us our deepest fears or parts of ourselves that we have disowned or disguarded and buried within our subconscious.
Nothing remains hidden forever, so all aspects of ourselves will make an appearance at one time or another and this is visible in the people around us and often magnified in some way.

So how can we see the gift and the lesson in that situation?
What we need to be aware of is that our ego likes drama and is that self righteous part of ourselves that makes an appearance when we feel wronged in some way. Now this is not to say we are always wrong in a matter, however being in ego mode hardly solves anything or leads to compromise.

The ego is always right and does not follow reason. It plays out the drama in our heads over and over again and each time we feel more right. However this is a shallow victory as we are being shown an aspect of ourselves that we may not like to admit we also have within us.

When ever our buttons are being pushed, we need to step back and find out why. If we can admit that we too have done this sort of thing to ourselves or another at some point, it helps us to bring perspective and balance to the situation.
Often, the lack of ability to forgive someone, actually means that we struggle to forgive ourselves.
Whilst it is true that no one is perfect and we need to be flexible about this, it does not mean we need to allow ourselves to be mistreated. That is were boundaries come in. it is learning when to say “No” to someone who may not have boundaries themselves. Most often this is most difficult to do with families as we have a certain sense of responsibility or even guilt with regards to certain members.

However it is all about lessons and learning how to spot what this is before matters get worse. Its about developing a deeper sense of love and understanding for ourselves.
Can we accept that the person pushing our buttons may be giving us the biggest gift?
This week we are urged to look closely at who or what it is within our environment that pushes our buttons and why.
We need to remember that planet Earth is like a school where we learn and grow from the experiences that touch our lives. Whether it is a co-worker, boss, friend, partner or family member or situation, what this is teaching us? Do we see their attitude or the situation as a learning curve that we can move on from or are we stuck in old patterns?

The lesson this week is to take a deep breath, before we react, to look within ourselves to see what needs to change. By doing this we can change what we attract and we can raise our vibrations to attract the best outcome possible. Only 10% is what life throws at us, the other 90% is how we react and deal with it.

Let us use the 90% this week to react less and to look within to find the lesson we are meant to learn. Within the lesson lies the gift.


  1. Wise words my friend!! Always take a breath first before reacting to any situation. Very good advice :)

  2. Dear Tanja
    Thank you so much for the time and energy you give so freely, it is not wasted. I for one am at the point of learning to die to the ego, to look at all those buttons pushed and what lies beneath, and, what you contribute is deeply appreciated.
    With Gratitude and many Blessings of Abundance for you, Janine
