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Monday, March 14, 2011

Shifts and Changes on Earth

Motto for the week:  Don’t get too caught up in the drama of life, go to that place within and be still.

There are powerful planetary shifts taking place around us at present and naturally this affects our lives. On Friday a powerful Tsunami was responsible for the devastating havoc that took place in Japan. Saturday morning, explosions destroyed one of the buildings at the nuclear power plant. Tsunami warnings have been issues to 19 countries which could be affected by this disaster. This is only the beginning and most of us are aware that more such terrifying events will follow. So what does this mean for us? Do we now live in fear, worried that we are next? Do we feel powerless or just ignore that its happening?
These events show that the earth is not stable or predictable and neither are our lives on it. We can stand together and unite our energies in Oneness to bring peace and healing to our planet, but we are also being made aware that we need to make changes in our personal lives and most are feeling themselves pushed to do this by some unseen force.

With Uranus re entering Aries astrologically, releasing some powerful, eruptive warrior energy, this too could have an effect on planetary energies. So, what do we need to do or be aware of in our lives?

The angels ask us to live our lives with more awareness, so that we too can shift from our old energies, negative habits, belief systems into a new more enlightened and more centered way of being.

As we know, change is never comfortable and it requires us to release certain ways of being which we have become accustomed to and then we enter a stasis period, a transition period- and this can be the hard part- as it is often a period of nothingness, a feeling of not having solid ground beneath our feet, we may experience a real sense of loss, as space is created for the new, a waiting period  and patience with self and the process is required.

Everyone of us has felt this over this last year and the angels are urging us, as this year comes to a rapid end, to be aware of just what it is that we are needing to release.

We need to see this period as the final piece of the puzzle before a new reality manifests for us.

Just as the final labour requires one last push, before the infant is born, so do our manifestations require this period before we see the results of our efforts before us.

Now is not the time to give up, to become doubtful or to give in to our fears, as our goals are in sight.
The angels say that if we clear the old ways that no longer serve us, we will harvest the fruits of our labour.

They say that this is the only way to ensure a complete shift, which will take us to a new chapter in our lives.

For many this may feel uncomfortable and strange at first. Human nature is to fear when we can no longer hold onto outdated beliefs and it is important that we let go and go with the flow. Resistance creates more struggles and we will see this in the people around us, who are confused, unwilling to change and who don’t see the way forward.

The energy over this next week, may bring in some sort of conflict, often within, and light will be shed on matters that up until now may have mystified us.

Seeing things from an elevated perspective can give us a clearer picture of where we are going. We are always on the right path for us, no matter how far we may believe we have strayed from our true path. The very place that we find ourselves at right now, is bringing to us the most valuable lessons.
Are we seeing our world as abundant and filled with opportunity or are we seeing a lack thereof. This is our choice, this is free will. How we see our lives is up to us. We can see the hardships and trials as stumbling blocks or we can see these as real growth. Ultimately all of us will benefit from the issues we currently face. This week we can find solutions and answers to recent conflict, as the energies shift.
Love and Light Tanja

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1 comment:

  1. And let's not forget the Super Moon on the 19th !
    Thanks Tanja - your words are always such food for thought!

    Belinda - Eastern Cape
