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Thursday, January 19, 2012

2012- The Shift in Consciousness

The over all energy associated with this year is one of awakening, feeling good and understanding that negative emotions are just contrast and are necessary to help us to know what we do not want. Having said that, the focus needs to be on what we do want and the good feelings that come with this. This is a good year for meditation on a daily basis, or some other practice of inner work to stay aligned with the Universal flow. By doing this regular tuning in, it helps maintain a sense of peace and calm not matter what occurs around us.
There is a need for patience, to take it slow, to think about what we want and to take the time to allow it to happen without trying to control or resist the process. Yes, it’s about getting to know ourselves and not relying on others for happiness and fulfillment. Such relationships will not work out and if at any time we try to fill a void within us, through some external pleasure, whether through love, seeking acceptance, alcohol, sex, drugs, food etc we will quickly realize the futility of this as the quick fix these external pleasures provide will be short lived. The key is to do everything in moderation whilst focusing on the best life experience we can have. There are 24 hrs in a day to have an exciting adventure, that’s the way to see life.
Nature is necessary and we all need to get out more and connect. A change of scenery helps create those shifts we are looking for, so weekends away should be on the list. A main area that requires focus is to watch the stress levels. All illnesses manifest through a constant vibration of irritation, anger or stress. Finding outlets for this can be very beneficial this year.
Approach 2012 with consistency and a steady pace and it will pay off. Money and love will flow more easily this year, provided we do not resist this process. It is a time for more fun and social gatherings offer plenty of new opportunities.
It would be beneficial to not buy into any of the fear being created by the dooms day prophecies for December. Believe this that we will long prosper after 2012 and this is just a very exciting cycle that has begun and continues to evolve just as we will.
Old fears may be linked to a mass consciousness that reflects back to endings of ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria. There are no repeats only new experiences for our planet and we will continue to thrive despite world chaos and natural disasters. We are after all able to create our own realities, so it is really up to us as to how we wish to see our lives, from an angle of what we want or what we do not want. The secret is that we receive what we want when we learn to let go. That is our free will and we get to choose our own experience.
Many Blessings

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