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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inner Change- A Reflective Time

Are you feeling a change that you can't quite put your finger on? Do you find that you feel fear, confusion and that old issues that you thought you had cleared are re-emerging?
You may be surprised that many people are feeling this way, many a battle is happening within. Yes, the world energies are going through a rapid shift and as you are all connected through this energy, you too will experience some of the turmoil that is happening in the world. The natural disasters are just part of the changes.Countries will also have to shift and this may mean re connecting with old laws and rules that have to do with structure and order. 
However for each person this shift will be unique and individual, but one thing is for sure, it is happening.Somehow the old ways of being will no longer fit in with this new energy. Relationships will be tested and those that are flawed without a proper foundation will not last.

So what can you do to make it a lot easier? Simply is the answer. Its not a time to complicate things. Go with what works and what doesn't work or has too many obstacles needs to be released. Although the energies are creating fast changes, your progress is best when taken slow. Think things through and be sure before you proceed with any changes you wish to make.
Go for a walk, meditate and then reflect if the current changes will serve you in the best way possible. For some there is much confusion, especially those who are logical thinkers and not connected to their hearts. The mind alone is not enough because the changes come through emotions.
it's a good time for you to start to keep a journal and note the changes and old patterns that need clearing. By writing this down, half the battle is won. You can then proceed step by step to clear negative feelings. Dreams coming through may also be profound, by writing these down you can see the patterns that are emerging for you.
We all need to change to live in our Truth and to lead authentic lives, this requires honesty with oneself and self expression.
Thats all for now folks.
Blessings to All

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 Healing with Angels Workshop:
 (Learn how to connect to your Guardian Angels and Guides in this life changing workshop.)
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