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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Month of Love

Hi All,
With all this focus on love on the 14th Feb, what do you do? Do you hide away, ignore all the red hearts and gifts, or do you take part in this tradition wholeheartedly? Whilst we can't escape Valentines day, and we each have our own views around this, one thing IS for sure....we all need a little more love....starting with self-love...so lets remind ourselves of who we are, our uniqueness(yes, theres only one of us) and how special we are. Many Blessings

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Motto for the week"Three things can't be hidden: coughing, poverty, and love."- Yiddish proverb 

February is known as the month of LOVE. Lovers give each other gifts and show that they appreciate their partners. It’s meant to ignite romance and bring back the spark for those who need to be reminded.
Love is something that we all seek and need, whether we like to admit this or not. Some of us may be single during this period, some may dislike this time, because no matter where you look, sparkles, red hearts, cards and flowers follow you.
Ultimately no matter where we find ourselves in the game of love, the key to loving is to have an open heart and to be able to give and receive love freely.
This is an interesting concept, considering that this is the period where we are dealing with past issues, hurts and disappointments to do with past love, friends and even family. Having been hurt often closes the heart to love again. There is distrust present and we block the flow of love because we fear being hurt again.

We are being urged during this period, to look at how we love ourselves, if at all. It is time to take stock of how we are treating ourselves and whether there is old unforgiveness present as we judge ourselves too harshly.

As a practitioner, I see many clients and almost everyone is harder on themselves than on others. Most put the needs of others before themselves and they treat others with kindness and love, even when those are undeserving of it. However when looking at themselves, they have all but abandoned their needs and in some cases sacrificed their souls.
Why is it that love which is all to clear in its many forms, is often hardest when applied to oneself?

Our relationships teach us about ourselves, parts of ourselves that we have yet to discover, parts we deny, parts we disown. All these aspects of self are mirrored in those around us.
Sometimes we may be baffled at what is reflected back at us. We are not jealous. However when looked at closely, we have all been jealous of someone or something at some point in our lives. Could this be a part of ourselves we have denied or disowned and now is magnified and reflected at us through another? Each time we disown or not acknowledge a part of ourselves, we don’t love ourselves enough.

This week let us look at and discover all the parts of ourselves that make us who we are and lets bring them together and let us love the whole “us”!!

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1 comment:

  1. Reading this I realize that I am one of those that runs and hides from all the hearts and red - maybe next year will be different - Belinda
