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Monday, August 22, 2011

Opening the Heart Center


The energies are indicating that after the recent breakthroughs that we have made, we are being guided to go back to our hearts and to unconditional love.
The angels are asking us to invest some time in ourselves, to not get so caught up in the dramas of life, especially these recent dramas we have all been facing.
This does not mean that the challenges end here, but rather that as we prepare for the coming challenges that lie ahead, we tap into the most powerful energy that we have available to us at present; the power of love.

Now is the time to stay very focused in the present moment, in the now and to fully connect and clear our heart chakras. By opening up our heart centers, love can shine through and lift us up above our issues that we are experiencing with ourselves and others. From this higher perspective of love, we can love even those who have hurt us as this kind of unconditional love transcends all faults and ego issues.
As we allow our heart centers to open, we re -connect to All that is and the feelings of separation in consciousness, which keeps us separate from each other lifts.
We can begin to feel authentic feelings of empathy for everyone and everything on this planet. We begin to realize that we are all dealing with some sort of pain, that we are in no ways separate from our fellow man, and as we begin to tune into this frequency of love, gratitude and understanding result and we are able to see the changes within and around us.

During times of stress, our minds work overtime trying to analyze and find solutions to our dilemmas. This of course keeps us very far away from the energy of love.

An exercise to do during the time ahead is to consciously connect to the heart and chest area. To allow ourselves to detach from the mind and to fall back into our bodies, into our hearts.  We can try to concentrate on the energy we hold in our heart center, to see if there is anything blocking the love that is there. We can also focus on the energy of love outside of ourselves, be it the love we feel for our children, partners, family etc and to bring this feeling into our heart.
It is important to differentiate between conditional and unconditional love. Conditional love is usually about mirroring aspects of ourselves in others, making them special in some way. This is only superficial and is ego based. This is not real love as it carries with it expectation and an identity. This can be seen as exclusive love, whereas unconditional love is inclusive of all, including ourselves. To practice this, we can develop an awareness for this kind of love and we can seek it in everyone around us, so that whether the person is a stranger, we love them the same way as we do our loved ones. This removes the ego identity from love and takes us a step closer into true, authentic love.

This is a good time to review how far we have come. Look back on the ways we have handled our challenges and the patterns that have been present. This week ahead allows for a pause, so that we can reflect on this and so that we can remember to do things differently in the next challenge.
We need to look at ourselves to see where we are reaching deeper and where we are being superficial, as a superficial mind often comes up empty handed, much like superficial actions leave us with nothing.

Reaching down deep and getting in touch with our innermost self, requires lots of love. However we have love all around us and love is all there is, it is the true essence of peace and it is the vital ingredient required to remain centered and clear headed in the storms of life.

Once we reach this degree of authentic, unconditional love, anything is possible, everything changes. We no longer need to label our lives and experiences as good or bad. We can simply realize that we can live our lives in any which way we choose, that all can be ours, provided we tap into true love.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Death- a Complete Surrender

Life is to be alive, to live and to love, but what is death? How do we as human beings understand the loss and the pain that comes with such finality? How do we overcome the loss of a loved one, a friend particularly if it was sudden? If there were no good byes, no closure- how do we deal?
I have faced death and loss, yet again recently. It was sudden, unexpected. he was so young, had so much to live for, was busy doing and getting on with life. he has so much unfinished business. Suddenly he was gone. One minute here the next minute he ceased to exist. This was not a slow process, like illness often is, where one can prepare oneself for the inevitable.
After the shock and the disbelief, came an immense sadness, for his life that would now never be. In this sadness I realized that letting go required complete surrender. To feel and to be completely present, without trying to get away from the pain. Surrendering means letting go completely, without the questions as to why things happen. In letting go I could grieve for a life lost, but I also could be grateful for how he touched my life in all the good ways.
A loss like this reminds us that we are human, that we are fragile and we can end, but we will also have lived, touched and changed the people we have interacted with, even creating a lasting impact on this planet. This energy lives on, our love, what we have created cannot die and when we are able to release the attachment to the physical  we are begin to understand that nothing is ever truly lost, it just transmutes into something different.Everything is energy and therefore continues to exist.
There are many symbolic endings to be faced in our lives, many things will have and will continue to come to an end.
 Our greatest fear may well be that we fear the loss of love in our lives. In order to avoid this pain, we will often either run from it, denying its existence or we run into it, almost drowning in suffering. However when we begin to just be, when we accept how we feel, when we feel the pain and the loss, we walk through this, the end result is peace and love, for love is all around us, it can never end.
RIP my friend, until we meet again on the Other Side.

Being able to sense the presence of people that have passed, I have become aware that it is as much a journey for them as it is for us. Ours is to let go of them, theirs is to begin a new journey on the Other Side.We can help to send them on their way peacefully, by sending them Love and Light from our hearts.

Many Blessings Tanja

Monday, March 14, 2011

Shifts and Changes on Earth

Motto for the week:  Don’t get too caught up in the drama of life, go to that place within and be still.

There are powerful planetary shifts taking place around us at present and naturally this affects our lives. On Friday a powerful Tsunami was responsible for the devastating havoc that took place in Japan. Saturday morning, explosions destroyed one of the buildings at the nuclear power plant. Tsunami warnings have been issues to 19 countries which could be affected by this disaster. This is only the beginning and most of us are aware that more such terrifying events will follow. So what does this mean for us? Do we now live in fear, worried that we are next? Do we feel powerless or just ignore that its happening?
These events show that the earth is not stable or predictable and neither are our lives on it. We can stand together and unite our energies in Oneness to bring peace and healing to our planet, but we are also being made aware that we need to make changes in our personal lives and most are feeling themselves pushed to do this by some unseen force.

With Uranus re entering Aries astrologically, releasing some powerful, eruptive warrior energy, this too could have an effect on planetary energies. So, what do we need to do or be aware of in our lives?

The angels ask us to live our lives with more awareness, so that we too can shift from our old energies, negative habits, belief systems into a new more enlightened and more centered way of being.

As we know, change is never comfortable and it requires us to release certain ways of being which we have become accustomed to and then we enter a stasis period, a transition period- and this can be the hard part- as it is often a period of nothingness, a feeling of not having solid ground beneath our feet, we may experience a real sense of loss, as space is created for the new, a waiting period  and patience with self and the process is required.

Everyone of us has felt this over this last year and the angels are urging us, as this year comes to a rapid end, to be aware of just what it is that we are needing to release.

We need to see this period as the final piece of the puzzle before a new reality manifests for us.

Just as the final labour requires one last push, before the infant is born, so do our manifestations require this period before we see the results of our efforts before us.

Now is not the time to give up, to become doubtful or to give in to our fears, as our goals are in sight.
The angels say that if we clear the old ways that no longer serve us, we will harvest the fruits of our labour.

They say that this is the only way to ensure a complete shift, which will take us to a new chapter in our lives.

For many this may feel uncomfortable and strange at first. Human nature is to fear when we can no longer hold onto outdated beliefs and it is important that we let go and go with the flow. Resistance creates more struggles and we will see this in the people around us, who are confused, unwilling to change and who don’t see the way forward.

The energy over this next week, may bring in some sort of conflict, often within, and light will be shed on matters that up until now may have mystified us.

Seeing things from an elevated perspective can give us a clearer picture of where we are going. We are always on the right path for us, no matter how far we may believe we have strayed from our true path. The very place that we find ourselves at right now, is bringing to us the most valuable lessons.
Are we seeing our world as abundant and filled with opportunity or are we seeing a lack thereof. This is our choice, this is free will. How we see our lives is up to us. We can see the hardships and trials as stumbling blocks or we can see these as real growth. Ultimately all of us will benefit from the issues we currently face. This week we can find solutions and answers to recent conflict, as the energies shift.
Love and Light Tanja

NOW AVAILABLE AS E COURSES:Psychic Development Workshop.(Beginners and Advanced)
This amazing course teaches you about the Tarot intuitively, opens you up to your psychic abilities,  you will learn about the energy within and around you, ESP, telepathy, Psychometry, reading energy off photographs, seeing Auras and more. The Advanced course requires you to have had some training or experience in this field. Cost R 500.00 ( 80$)
The Ultimate Relationship Course: Improve your relationship with yourself and your partner and others for fulfilling, happy relationships.

 Healing with Angels Workshop:
 (Learn how to connect to your Guardian Angels and Guides in this life changing workshop.)
 Teaching Exercises on developing your innate Intuitive abilities, Angel Meditations, connecting to your guardian angel, Includes opening up of your healing abilities, Angel card readings. Cost R 500.00 ( 80$)
for more information contact me: tanjasangels@gmail.com or www.tanjasangels.co.za to view products and services.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Month of Love

Hi All,
With all this focus on love on the 14th Feb, what do you do? Do you hide away, ignore all the red hearts and gifts, or do you take part in this tradition wholeheartedly? Whilst we can't escape Valentines day, and we each have our own views around this, one thing IS for sure....we all need a little more love....starting with self-love...so lets remind ourselves of who we are, our uniqueness(yes, theres only one of us) and how special we are. Many Blessings

PS: If you enjoy this blog please feel free to sign up for my FREE newsletter. tanjasangels@gmail.com

Motto for the week"Three things can't be hidden: coughing, poverty, and love."- Yiddish proverb 

February is known as the month of LOVE. Lovers give each other gifts and show that they appreciate their partners. It’s meant to ignite romance and bring back the spark for those who need to be reminded.
Love is something that we all seek and need, whether we like to admit this or not. Some of us may be single during this period, some may dislike this time, because no matter where you look, sparkles, red hearts, cards and flowers follow you.
Ultimately no matter where we find ourselves in the game of love, the key to loving is to have an open heart and to be able to give and receive love freely.
This is an interesting concept, considering that this is the period where we are dealing with past issues, hurts and disappointments to do with past love, friends and even family. Having been hurt often closes the heart to love again. There is distrust present and we block the flow of love because we fear being hurt again.

We are being urged during this period, to look at how we love ourselves, if at all. It is time to take stock of how we are treating ourselves and whether there is old unforgiveness present as we judge ourselves too harshly.

As a practitioner, I see many clients and almost everyone is harder on themselves than on others. Most put the needs of others before themselves and they treat others with kindness and love, even when those are undeserving of it. However when looking at themselves, they have all but abandoned their needs and in some cases sacrificed their souls.
Why is it that love which is all to clear in its many forms, is often hardest when applied to oneself?

Our relationships teach us about ourselves, parts of ourselves that we have yet to discover, parts we deny, parts we disown. All these aspects of self are mirrored in those around us.
Sometimes we may be baffled at what is reflected back at us. We are not jealous. However when looked at closely, we have all been jealous of someone or something at some point in our lives. Could this be a part of ourselves we have denied or disowned and now is magnified and reflected at us through another? Each time we disown or not acknowledge a part of ourselves, we don’t love ourselves enough.

This week let us look at and discover all the parts of ourselves that make us who we are and lets bring them together and let us love the whole “us”!!

NOW AVAILABLE AS E COURSES:Psychic Development Workshop.(Beginners and Advanced)
This amazing course teaches you about the Tarot intuitively, opens you up to your psychic abilities,  you will learn about the energy within and around you, ESP, telepathy, Psychometry, reading energy off photographs, seeing Auras and more. The Advanced course requires you to have had some training or experience in this field. Cost R 500.00 ( 80$)

 Healing with Angels Workshop:
 (Learn how to connect to your Guardian Angels and Guides in this life changing workshop.)
 Teaching Exercises on developing your innate Intuitive abilities, Angel Meditations, connecting to your guardian angel, Includes opening up of your healing abilities, Angel card readings. Cost R 500.00 ( 80$)
for more information contact me: tanjasangels@gmail.com 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inner Change- A Reflective Time

Are you feeling a change that you can't quite put your finger on? Do you find that you feel fear, confusion and that old issues that you thought you had cleared are re-emerging?
You may be surprised that many people are feeling this way, many a battle is happening within. Yes, the world energies are going through a rapid shift and as you are all connected through this energy, you too will experience some of the turmoil that is happening in the world. The natural disasters are just part of the changes.Countries will also have to shift and this may mean re connecting with old laws and rules that have to do with structure and order. 
However for each person this shift will be unique and individual, but one thing is for sure, it is happening.Somehow the old ways of being will no longer fit in with this new energy. Relationships will be tested and those that are flawed without a proper foundation will not last.

So what can you do to make it a lot easier? Simply is the answer. Its not a time to complicate things. Go with what works and what doesn't work or has too many obstacles needs to be released. Although the energies are creating fast changes, your progress is best when taken slow. Think things through and be sure before you proceed with any changes you wish to make.
Go for a walk, meditate and then reflect if the current changes will serve you in the best way possible. For some there is much confusion, especially those who are logical thinkers and not connected to their hearts. The mind alone is not enough because the changes come through emotions.
it's a good time for you to start to keep a journal and note the changes and old patterns that need clearing. By writing this down, half the battle is won. You can then proceed step by step to clear negative feelings. Dreams coming through may also be profound, by writing these down you can see the patterns that are emerging for you.
We all need to change to live in our Truth and to lead authentic lives, this requires honesty with oneself and self expression.
Thats all for now folks.
Blessings to All

NOW AVAILABLE AS E COURSES:Psychic Development Workshop.(Beginners and Advanced)
This amazing course teaches you about the Tarot intuitively, opens you up to your psychic abilities,  you will learn about the energy within and around you, ESP, telepathy, Psychometry, reading energy off photographs, seeing Auras and more. The Advanced course requires you to have had some training or experience in this field. Cost R 500.00 ( 80$)

 Healing with Angels Workshop:
 (Learn how to connect to your Guardian Angels and Guides in this life changing workshop.)
 Teaching Exercises on developing your innate Intuitive abilities, Angel Meditations, connecting to your guardian angel, Includes opening up of your healing abilities, Angel card readings. Cost R 500.00 ( 80$)
for more information contact me: tanjasangels@gmail.com 

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Law of Attraction

Motto for the week: The Law of Attraction states that what we put out to the Universe is exactly what we attract….the seen and the unseen.

Watch closely this week as to who or what pushes our buttons. We would all like life to run smoothly, and as we know what we experience is a direct result of our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Those we are aware of and those we are not. What ever is reflected in another can also be found in us. This applies to both our strengths and weaknesses. When our buttons are being pushed, we tend to focus on the negative qualities of the situation, rather than trying to figure out what the gift is. Sometimes it is to make us aware of what we do not want or how we do not want to be. It can also reflect back at us our deepest fears or parts of ourselves that we have disowned or disguarded and buried within our subconscious.
Nothing remains hidden forever, so all aspects of ourselves will make an appearance at one time or another and this is visible in the people around us and often magnified in some way.

So how can we see the gift and the lesson in that situation?
What we need to be aware of is that our ego likes drama and is that self righteous part of ourselves that makes an appearance when we feel wronged in some way. Now this is not to say we are always wrong in a matter, however being in ego mode hardly solves anything or leads to compromise.

The ego is always right and does not follow reason. It plays out the drama in our heads over and over again and each time we feel more right. However this is a shallow victory as we are being shown an aspect of ourselves that we may not like to admit we also have within us.

When ever our buttons are being pushed, we need to step back and find out why. If we can admit that we too have done this sort of thing to ourselves or another at some point, it helps us to bring perspective and balance to the situation.
Often, the lack of ability to forgive someone, actually means that we struggle to forgive ourselves.
Whilst it is true that no one is perfect and we need to be flexible about this, it does not mean we need to allow ourselves to be mistreated. That is were boundaries come in. it is learning when to say “No” to someone who may not have boundaries themselves. Most often this is most difficult to do with families as we have a certain sense of responsibility or even guilt with regards to certain members.

However it is all about lessons and learning how to spot what this is before matters get worse. Its about developing a deeper sense of love and understanding for ourselves.
Can we accept that the person pushing our buttons may be giving us the biggest gift?
This week we are urged to look closely at who or what it is within our environment that pushes our buttons and why.
We need to remember that planet Earth is like a school where we learn and grow from the experiences that touch our lives. Whether it is a co-worker, boss, friend, partner or family member or situation, what this is teaching us? Do we see their attitude or the situation as a learning curve that we can move on from or are we stuck in old patterns?

The lesson this week is to take a deep breath, before we react, to look within ourselves to see what needs to change. By doing this we can change what we attract and we can raise our vibrations to attract the best outcome possible. Only 10% is what life throws at us, the other 90% is how we react and deal with it.

Let us use the 90% this week to react less and to look within to find the lesson we are meant to learn. Within the lesson lies the gift.