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Friday, December 14, 2012

Angelic Wisdom

Motto for the week: Pay attention to your thoughts and action and make sure that they are aligned with your highest intentions.

This week is a good week for taking stock and doing a life review of where we are at as the year draws to an end. Is this current position where we want to be? If not, what have we been putting out there? 
We need to remember that our thoughts are creating our life experience and that means we play a very active role in what we see in our lives. As soon as we get this and understand the power our thoughts hold, we can become more aware of what we are thinking of throughout the day.

What is our current thought? Is it positive or negative. We can check in regularly and by doing this, we can catch ourselves if we are meandering down the negative path. Others and the circumstances we find ourselves in, play a large role in how we react and thus feel. 
The ego is very quick to blame and so we can justify why someone else is wrong or unfair. This justifies our anger, hurt and other negative feelings, however the road of justification is a lonely one and at the end of it, when we are done, we are only left with one spectator and that is ourselves.

What seems to be missing of late is trust in the bigger Divine plan. It is no co-incidence that we are on Earth at this time. We have chosen this mission and all of its exciting and fast-moving changes as this time is the most powerful for growth.

We need to pay attention and listen! The energies right now are so potent that manifestations occur more rapidly and almost miraculously, due to the fact that Universal energies are supportive of our growth and of us reaching our goals and desires.
Whether we are manifesting positively or focusing on the negative and creating more of what we don’t want, is really up to us. This is where we have total power and free will, so feeling done in or victimized no longer cuts it.

One of the key lessons right now, something which I have written about before, is to let go!!!!! The ego is stubborn and holds on, this blocks the flow of this potent, supportive energy.

Imagine a dam being blocked up with branches, rubble and rubbish. The water cannot flow and will be blocked from running downstream. As a result, the waterway will be dry and empty and very barren as nothing can grow there without this precious water.   

Over an extended period, cracks will begin to appear in the earth and so it is with our precious life force which gains its strength from faith and trust and the Universal energies, as it flows it attracts all that we need to build our dreams or to have our best life experience. However if we block the flow with negative thoughts and doubts, our desires remain just that and we end up with a barren life experience, one of lack and the cracks that appear over time is our health and our bodies suffering under the strain and toxic negativity.

What do we choose this week? A life of abundance or a life of lack? Remember that like attracts like and what we focus on grows. It’s our choice.

Have a great week.

Friday, November 23, 2012


This week the question is a powerful one:

Are you responsible for the happiness of others?

Do you sacrifice your own happiness for someone else’s sake and convince yourself it’s ok?

Do you feel guilty if you the actions you take make you happy but cause someone else to feel unhappy?

Do you know what it means to be really authentically happy or do you seek happiness in the world around you, or from material things or people?

Whilst material things, people and the world around you can keep you captivated temporarily, it will not make you happy in the long run.

Often this type of being “happy” is momentary and not real as it wears off and the same vacuum exists that requires something to fill it.
True happiness comes from within and when we act upon what we need to be happy, and we acknowledge our desires, sometimes someone else is unhappy as a result.

Most people do not understand the meaning of happiness and because no one likes conflict, there is often a lot of guilt present when we are happy at someone else’s expenses.

What does this mean?

How easy is it to make a decision that causes you happiness, such as leaving a relationship that has been a struggle behind and now your partner is unhappy and even blames you?

How often do you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of someone else, you make a decision to please them, but what you are really doing is betraying yourself!

Can you see areas in your life where you do this?

Maybe you feel you don’t deserve to be happy or desire all the things that you want. If you give more to yourself whether love, time, money, food or nurturing do you feel this takes away from someone else?

The first thing that you need to realize is that happiness is available and is meant to be for all of us. Our angels and the universe wants us to live fulfilled lives and the more joyful we are, the higher our energy vibrates and the more connected we are to the Divine energy and the fulfillment of our wishes.
Unhappiness is disconnecting from this wonderful gift that we have been given, it lowers the vibration and shuts out the light and it is not what our souls are here to experience.
We deserve all the goodness and no one is responsible for the happiness of another, and we should always make decisions that are not at our expense.

We can choose to be happy and are responsible for our own decisions as we let others be responsible for their happiness. We can be there to be supportive, we can love others unconditionally but we cannot do it for them, or take on the part of being the enabler for their happiness.

This is very important to be aware of. It takes boundaries that are healthy within ourselves so that others do not take advantage. Learning to say no when these boundaries are compromised goes a long way to happiness.

We often see in our world betrayal by others and wonder why we have attracted this.

If this rings a bell, then see the world as your mirror and ask yourself where you have compromised yourself for others and where you have through your actions or inactions betrayed yourself.
Remember that the world mirrors back at you a distorted reflection that is often intense so that you will sit up and take note.

Do you feel guilty about how others will react to your actions and feelings?

You may need to dig deep to find the nugget of wisdom that always comes through these lessons, if you feel confused and cannot see where you may be compromising yourself and your joy, then sit with it and the answers will come.

The more you go inward and take responsibility for your thoughts, your feelings, your actions and therefore your happiness, the more you will feel an ease on the burden that may be weighing on your shoulders to do with your partner, friends, children, colleagues or family.

Make a list of all the people in your life and next to their names write down a few words about your relationship to them, by asking yourself if you feel responsible for their happiness. If you do, then allow yourself to release it and change the way you interact with them.
It may mean taking a position of power and standing up for yourself, however it is the only way that you will be able to release co dependency and unhealthy patterns that ultimately make you unhappy.

Use this week to focus on yourself, and be responsible for your happiness only and if this requires of you to take some action, be brave and have the courage to do so. If it means speaking up or acting with awareness, then do so. You do not have to feel guilty for your happiness or for how much you want.

This kind of thinking comes from a place of lack. It is an illusion that there are limits and it is up to you to break free from these restraints. Are you ready?

Happiness is your birthright and each moment can be joyful however this is your choice and in that you have free will.

Always, always do what is right for you and do so with honesty and integrity. It is not always possible to please everyone and sometimes others will react and feel rejected, hurt, offended and angry however if you have acted in a way that is authentic and honest, you are not responsible for the feelings others feel. That is their lesson to learn.

Have a blessed week

Friday, August 17, 2012


Motto for the week: The egos refusal to see and to keep you blind to how you create and re-create your own suffering can only be overcome by being aware and honest with yourself. #TJ

Where is your blind spot?
You know those repetitive scenarios that somehow keep happening to you over and over again? Those patterns that keep re- appearing to frustrate you? Maybe you feel that you have no control over this, that you are somehow just attracting this into your life again and again. Like attracting the same kind of partner who can’t commit, no matter how much you keep giving to the relationship it always ends the same way. He/She walk away seemingly unaffected, whilst you feel devastated, feel the loss and feel it’s all been a waste of time. The excitement you feel about a new goal that you set and as you start to go after this, something happens and you give up. Or your co workers always get the raise, the promotion or the rewards, even for your ideas and this makes you feel totally unworthy. Does this sound familiar?
Where is your blind spot? Do you know? And if so what can you do about it?

A blind spot is beneath any time a pattern or cycle is repetitive, chronic and seems to be happening over and over again. It is the egos way of setting you up to go into victim mode and to attach blame. It’s his/her fault I am getting nowhere, they are just jealous of me and don’t want me to succeed so they reject me! It’s the circumstances, how can it be expected of me to succeed like this? Any time you feel the need to go into victim mode (poor me!) and to lament as to why these horrible things always happen to me, you are caught up in a blind spot and are not seeing what is actually going on.
By playing out these scenarios we create our own suffering. A core belief, most likely from a childhood wound/s set the scene to play out this old program again and again, to validate this core belief to ourselves.

A common theme is fearing rejection and not being good enough. We develop this wound during childhood and it continues to affect our adult lives and relationships. We believe we are somehow not lovable and so attract in partners that are in some way unavailable so that we are never truly loved. This keeps us in a holding pattern of feeling rejected and unlovable and that there must be something wrong with us that no one wants to love us.

When we finally realize that all we are doing is bringing forth evidence that this old story, this belief is true and that this keeps us separated from the very thing we desire, namely to be loved, we finally must acknowledge the truth which is that we are lovable beyond anything limited because we are in essence, in our soul state unconditional, bright , shining love and that we not only deserve love, but we are love and we can shine and radiate love through our very thoughts and beliefs and that we can attract people and situations that bring us only more love.
The state of separateness only serves to dim our light and to keep us small so that we remain unseen. Often it is the very power we hold that creates fear in us. A fear that we may somehow fail or not meet up to our own or others standards.
So what is the solution?
It’s simple, you become aware and as soon as you are aware of your blind spot( this requires you to be really honest with yourself because often you can be in denial about this and it can give you a REASON to attach blame) you illuminate it. Your blind spot is a deep, gaping, painful wound and once you shine a light on it, you will begin to change your patterns as you have to recognize that what you have been telling yourself is not true. You no longer have a REASON to be a victim, but rather a powerful creator of your own life and you have to take responsibility for your life and what you create rather than taking the route of blame.

So this week you are being urged to own your blind spots, to take your power and to have the courage to face what lies within plain sight if you choose to see it.

Playing Small

Motto for the week: You are a being of magnificence, of Divine Light. You are the co-creator of your life, so why is it that you are playing small? #TJ

Do you know who you are and what you are here to do? This is the question you need to ask yourself this week.
If you do know the answer, then how clear is the picture of the outcome that you are seeing?
Chances are, that if your desire or dream is not clear to you, it cannot manifest into the beautiful creation it could be because you are simply just playing small.
Have you hoped that help would come so that your circumstances would change?

Of course support is a requirement of the manifestation of any goal or dream, however unless you are completely clear on what it is you wish to have or have happen, and you are giving this picture regular amounts of your time and attention by sitting with it and watering it with nurturing positive thoughts as you paint the picture of your desire in all its multi colored glory.

The great news is that you can dream as big as you want, as long as you empower this dream with belief (your own) and positivity, it is sure to come about.
Doubt and negativity are the weeds of dreams; root them out before they can grow in the landscape of your creation.

If your dreams are not manifesting into reality, you may be dreaming small. Ask yourself if you really believe in what you desire, in other words is it something that you believe you can achieve.

Playing small is putting up roadblocks on the path of your success and nobody is doing this but you!

So ask yourself what the reason behind this could be? Fear of failure or success is a common reason. Remember that there is always a reason, whether you can see it or not. Behind this is almost always a fear and a pattern that has been playing out in your subconscious for a long time.
So are you willing to do something about it and if so what is it that you are going to do? Challenge yourself to find answers and as always this type of work takes a frank and honest approach with yourself. It’s much like placing an order to the Universe and not being happy with what is served, however this is only the case if you did not place your order clearly and specifically.

Take the time to check in with your dreams, repaint the parts that you want to define or redo. Be clear about the end result In time you will create a masterpiece!
 Blessings Tanja

Sunday, March 18, 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude

Motto for the week: your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
Kahlil Gibran.

Have you counted the blessings of your broken heart?
Most often we try to hide or deny our heartache because we believe that it would be just too painful to pull it out and look at it.
In accordance with our greatest spiritual truth, the times that held the most heartache also offered the greatest opportunities to learn and experience the unconditional love and Divine order of the Universe.

What is a broken heart really?
This emotion is a result of a shattering of illusions around a subject that has now left a void and we then feel we have lost something or someone.
These unbalanced emotions can lead to illness if we do not balance them with an attitude of gratitude and love.
As human beings, we all attach illusions to the people we love and when the physically depart from our lives, through a separation or death, our human nature causes us to feel shock, betrayal hurt, grief and pain. This is because we focus on what we believe we have lost.
However when we open up our hearts to the blessings of that experience and we look to see what we have gained in wisdom, strength or knowledge about ourselves, we begin to see the bigger picture.
Broken illusions are blessings…..
Yes , whether we believe this or not, illusions block the path to our innermost truth.
We live in a perfect and ordered Universe. Energy is never wasted and all of us live within this energy.
We need to understand that this world exists within two polarities, dark or light, negative or positive, grief and pain and love.

To experience the one, we need to understand that we will experience the other. We cannot deny this or hide from it. Embracing and accepting both sides enable us to live fulfilled lives, ride the waves of circumstance and we learn to live or truth with love.
Illusions hold us captive from living full lives and standing in our truth. Much like a co-dependent relationship, we are shackled to our illusions and many people cannot break free and stagnate. Stagnation is the death of our souls desire to learn and grow.
Illusions create much unhappiness until we experience the breaking of one. Through each broken illusion, we have the opportunity to experience a truth.
When we judge a person or situation, we label it good or bad and one or the other wins out. This lopsided view blocks our truth.
Emotional pain and physical illness exist because we believe that they are giving us something that we lack.
However we are created a whole and have those very things we believe we lack, within us but we need to discover this within ourselves first.
Circumstances are much like stones-you can use them to build on, or you can let them weigh you down.
For every sorrow there is an equal amount of joy. For every lesson there is an opportunity to experience unconditional love.
By rejecting the lesson, we get stuck in a destructive cycle of ingratitude and we block out the love and truth from our lives.

This week, make a list of the negative things that you have felt and experienced through a heartache and the look for the positive things that you have been shown through this experience. This may take some time. For some of you, your mind will initially shut down and tell you there is nothing positive in that experience. Persevere and look deeper, ask family or friends, as they are neutral and will be able to see both sides that you may not. Then think carefully about this. How have you grown?

Being Authentic

Motto for the week : Authenticity; the forbidden piece of us is what you have to wake up to- not the illusion you created- but the authentic you that needs to be found.  – Dov Baron
Are you ready to be authentic? Are you ready to find the real you? Who are you underneath your mask? Are you ready to admit that you wear one and are you willing to dig deeper to show what it reveals about you? What are your gifts when you return to your authentic core?
This is a time of awakening, no longer can we just sleep and see things from only our perspective. Our society has taught us to trade our truths, our authenticity for the approval and love of others. For a long time, we have been too polite, too kind, too afraid to rock the boat. Well, this week is a big wake up as to what is happening in the Universe. Energies are shifting big time and for those of you who want to be on the leading edge of this incredible time, you will be digging for the buried treasure that your beings hold, the magnificence which makes you YOU!
The first step is to wake up from where ever you have been, to know what this place is and to know what you are waking up to. This is a process that has already begun and most of you have felt it in some way or another. Usually any awakening is preceded by some discomfort and turmoil, so that you get the message. A Universal knock on the head, a breaking down of relationships, finances, careers, deaths, health.
It is time to tap into your authentic truth, not what you have been reading in books, but what truly lies within you. These are powerful times as the energies are supportive of such actions.
The work required is that of SELF. You do not need to do anything else with others. Work on yourself, be honest with yourself, be prepared to accept the role/s that you have played and where you have contributed your part to the relationship fiascos and dramas in your life. This does not mean that you should criticize or beat yourself up, but rather take a gentle approach to your past and this aspect of yourself that may have played the role without even being conscious that this has been an old pattern. By taking this responsibility to remove blame and healing begins.
Look at the masks that you wear to those around you. What are you trying to hide? Are you afraid of upsetting others if they knew your true feelings?
There is one thing that stands in your way and that is FEAR. Whether it has to do with what others think of you, or that you wish to avoid conflict, all of this is based on putting others first and you last and therefore disempowering yourself. This creates frustration and anger within you.
Yes, it’s frightening to be totally honest with everyone that you meet. It requires of you to strip away the layers, to be vulnerable and open. Yes, some may not like it, they may call this arrogance, but in truth what this kind of authenticity brings you is the following;
You will never again stagnate in relationships. By being totally truthful( with kindness of course) you take the guess work out of what does he/she think of me. You will receive an instant reaction and if you do not, what you receive is total freedom that you have spoken your truth and you will no longer walk around with unexpressed or suppressed emotions, which takes a toll on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state as you ponder and analyze, worry and stress. You will only attract in those people and situations that resonate with your core truth. No more betrayals, as you will never take things personally as being in your truth takes away all expectation of others and allows you to see them with compassion and love.
We only expect if we do something that is not from our authentic self, expectation comes from an attachment to outcome. Attachments create more fear and place us in bondage. Whether we are attached to the past, a person, a situation, regrets all this holding on serves is to block up the energies of the wonderful, new things that wish to enter.
Is it any wonder that so many people look towards escapism? Whether it’s work, food, alcohol, sex, drugs, love addictions to name a few, this society has created a people who feel a need to escape from the pressures and restriction placed upon them.
Awakening means that no longer will we be content to just superficially skim the surface of our experiences, but that we feel something is missing, there is a bigger picture.
This week we are being asked to begin by developing an awareness in all the areas we may not be authentic, then without judgment of self we can begin to take steps towards a more authentic life.
PS: If you do not feel ready to take such steps, this is also okay and part of your journey to explore and discover. Whatever path you take, may it lead you to a place of happiness, love and peace.

Have a blessed week.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2012- The Shift in Consciousness

The over all energy associated with this year is one of awakening, feeling good and understanding that negative emotions are just contrast and are necessary to help us to know what we do not want. Having said that, the focus needs to be on what we do want and the good feelings that come with this. This is a good year for meditation on a daily basis, or some other practice of inner work to stay aligned with the Universal flow. By doing this regular tuning in, it helps maintain a sense of peace and calm not matter what occurs around us.
There is a need for patience, to take it slow, to think about what we want and to take the time to allow it to happen without trying to control or resist the process. Yes, it’s about getting to know ourselves and not relying on others for happiness and fulfillment. Such relationships will not work out and if at any time we try to fill a void within us, through some external pleasure, whether through love, seeking acceptance, alcohol, sex, drugs, food etc we will quickly realize the futility of this as the quick fix these external pleasures provide will be short lived. The key is to do everything in moderation whilst focusing on the best life experience we can have. There are 24 hrs in a day to have an exciting adventure, that’s the way to see life.
Nature is necessary and we all need to get out more and connect. A change of scenery helps create those shifts we are looking for, so weekends away should be on the list. A main area that requires focus is to watch the stress levels. All illnesses manifest through a constant vibration of irritation, anger or stress. Finding outlets for this can be very beneficial this year.
Approach 2012 with consistency and a steady pace and it will pay off. Money and love will flow more easily this year, provided we do not resist this process. It is a time for more fun and social gatherings offer plenty of new opportunities.
It would be beneficial to not buy into any of the fear being created by the dooms day prophecies for December. Believe this that we will long prosper after 2012 and this is just a very exciting cycle that has begun and continues to evolve just as we will.
Old fears may be linked to a mass consciousness that reflects back to endings of ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria. There are no repeats only new experiences for our planet and we will continue to thrive despite world chaos and natural disasters. We are after all able to create our own realities, so it is really up to us as to how we wish to see our lives, from an angle of what we want or what we do not want. The secret is that we receive what we want when we learn to let go. That is our free will and we get to choose our own experience.
Many Blessings