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Friday, August 17, 2012


Motto for the week: The egos refusal to see and to keep you blind to how you create and re-create your own suffering can only be overcome by being aware and honest with yourself. #TJ

Where is your blind spot?
You know those repetitive scenarios that somehow keep happening to you over and over again? Those patterns that keep re- appearing to frustrate you? Maybe you feel that you have no control over this, that you are somehow just attracting this into your life again and again. Like attracting the same kind of partner who can’t commit, no matter how much you keep giving to the relationship it always ends the same way. He/She walk away seemingly unaffected, whilst you feel devastated, feel the loss and feel it’s all been a waste of time. The excitement you feel about a new goal that you set and as you start to go after this, something happens and you give up. Or your co workers always get the raise, the promotion or the rewards, even for your ideas and this makes you feel totally unworthy. Does this sound familiar?
Where is your blind spot? Do you know? And if so what can you do about it?

A blind spot is beneath any time a pattern or cycle is repetitive, chronic and seems to be happening over and over again. It is the egos way of setting you up to go into victim mode and to attach blame. It’s his/her fault I am getting nowhere, they are just jealous of me and don’t want me to succeed so they reject me! It’s the circumstances, how can it be expected of me to succeed like this? Any time you feel the need to go into victim mode (poor me!) and to lament as to why these horrible things always happen to me, you are caught up in a blind spot and are not seeing what is actually going on.
By playing out these scenarios we create our own suffering. A core belief, most likely from a childhood wound/s set the scene to play out this old program again and again, to validate this core belief to ourselves.

A common theme is fearing rejection and not being good enough. We develop this wound during childhood and it continues to affect our adult lives and relationships. We believe we are somehow not lovable and so attract in partners that are in some way unavailable so that we are never truly loved. This keeps us in a holding pattern of feeling rejected and unlovable and that there must be something wrong with us that no one wants to love us.

When we finally realize that all we are doing is bringing forth evidence that this old story, this belief is true and that this keeps us separated from the very thing we desire, namely to be loved, we finally must acknowledge the truth which is that we are lovable beyond anything limited because we are in essence, in our soul state unconditional, bright , shining love and that we not only deserve love, but we are love and we can shine and radiate love through our very thoughts and beliefs and that we can attract people and situations that bring us only more love.
The state of separateness only serves to dim our light and to keep us small so that we remain unseen. Often it is the very power we hold that creates fear in us. A fear that we may somehow fail or not meet up to our own or others standards.
So what is the solution?
It’s simple, you become aware and as soon as you are aware of your blind spot( this requires you to be really honest with yourself because often you can be in denial about this and it can give you a REASON to attach blame) you illuminate it. Your blind spot is a deep, gaping, painful wound and once you shine a light on it, you will begin to change your patterns as you have to recognize that what you have been telling yourself is not true. You no longer have a REASON to be a victim, but rather a powerful creator of your own life and you have to take responsibility for your life and what you create rather than taking the route of blame.

So this week you are being urged to own your blind spots, to take your power and to have the courage to face what lies within plain sight if you choose to see it.

Playing Small

Motto for the week: You are a being of magnificence, of Divine Light. You are the co-creator of your life, so why is it that you are playing small? #TJ

Do you know who you are and what you are here to do? This is the question you need to ask yourself this week.
If you do know the answer, then how clear is the picture of the outcome that you are seeing?
Chances are, that if your desire or dream is not clear to you, it cannot manifest into the beautiful creation it could be because you are simply just playing small.
Have you hoped that help would come so that your circumstances would change?

Of course support is a requirement of the manifestation of any goal or dream, however unless you are completely clear on what it is you wish to have or have happen, and you are giving this picture regular amounts of your time and attention by sitting with it and watering it with nurturing positive thoughts as you paint the picture of your desire in all its multi colored glory.

The great news is that you can dream as big as you want, as long as you empower this dream with belief (your own) and positivity, it is sure to come about.
Doubt and negativity are the weeds of dreams; root them out before they can grow in the landscape of your creation.

If your dreams are not manifesting into reality, you may be dreaming small. Ask yourself if you really believe in what you desire, in other words is it something that you believe you can achieve.

Playing small is putting up roadblocks on the path of your success and nobody is doing this but you!

So ask yourself what the reason behind this could be? Fear of failure or success is a common reason. Remember that there is always a reason, whether you can see it or not. Behind this is almost always a fear and a pattern that has been playing out in your subconscious for a long time.
So are you willing to do something about it and if so what is it that you are going to do? Challenge yourself to find answers and as always this type of work takes a frank and honest approach with yourself. It’s much like placing an order to the Universe and not being happy with what is served, however this is only the case if you did not place your order clearly and specifically.

Take the time to check in with your dreams, repaint the parts that you want to define or redo. Be clear about the end result In time you will create a masterpiece!
 Blessings Tanja