Motto for the week: your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
Kahlil Gibran.
Have you counted the blessings of your broken heart?
Most often we try to hide or deny our heartache because we believe that it would be just too painful to pull it out and look at it.
In accordance with our greatest spiritual truth, the times that held the most heartache also offered the greatest opportunities to learn and experience the unconditional love and Divine order of the Universe.
What is a broken heart really?
This emotion is a result of a shattering of illusions around a subject that has now left a void and we then feel we have lost something or someone.
These unbalanced emotions can lead to illness if we do not balance them with an attitude of gratitude and love.
As human beings, we all attach illusions to the people we love and when the physically depart from our lives, through a separation or death, our human nature causes us to feel shock, betrayal hurt, grief and pain. This is because we focus on what we believe we have lost.
However when we open up our hearts to the blessings of that experience and we look to see what we have gained in wisdom, strength or knowledge about ourselves, we begin to see the bigger picture.
Broken illusions are blessings…..
Yes , whether we believe this or not, illusions block the path to our innermost truth.
We live in a perfect and ordered Universe. Energy is never wasted and all of us live within this energy.
We need to understand that this world exists within two polarities, dark or light, negative or positive, grief and pain and love.
To experience the one, we need to understand that we will experience the other. We cannot deny this or hide from it. Embracing and accepting both sides enable us to live fulfilled lives, ride the waves of circumstance and we learn to live or truth with love.
Illusions hold us captive from living full lives and standing in our truth. Much like a co-dependent relationship, we are shackled to our illusions and many people cannot break free and stagnate. Stagnation is the death of our souls desire to learn and grow.
Illusions create much unhappiness until we experience the breaking of one. Through each broken illusion, we have the opportunity to experience a truth.
When we judge a person or situation, we label it good or bad and one or the other wins out. This lopsided view blocks our truth.
Emotional pain and physical illness exist because we believe that they are giving us something that we lack.
However we are created a whole and have those very things we believe we lack, within us but we need to discover this within ourselves first.
Circumstances are much like stones-you can use them to build on, or you can let them weigh you down.
For every sorrow there is an equal amount of joy. For every lesson there is an opportunity to experience unconditional love.
By rejecting the lesson, we get stuck in a destructive cycle of ingratitude and we block out the love and truth from our lives.
This week, make a list of the negative things that you have felt and experienced through a heartache and the look for the positive things that you have been shown through this experience. This may take some time. For some of you, your mind will initially shut down and tell you there is nothing positive in that experience. Persevere and look deeper, ask family or friends, as they are neutral and will be able to see both sides that you may not. Then think carefully about this. How have you grown?
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
Being Authentic
Motto for the week : Authenticity; the forbidden piece of us is what you have to wake up to- not the illusion you created- but the authentic you that needs to be found. – Dov Baron
Are you ready to be authentic? Are you ready to find the real you? Who are you underneath your mask? Are you ready to admit that you wear one and are you willing to dig deeper to show what it reveals about you? What are your gifts when you return to your authentic core?
This is a time of awakening, no longer can we just sleep and see things from only our perspective. Our society has taught us to trade our truths, our authenticity for the approval and love of others. For a long time, we have been too polite, too kind, too afraid to rock the boat. Well, this week is a big wake up as to what is happening in the Universe. Energies are shifting big time and for those of you who want to be on the leading edge of this incredible time, you will be digging for the buried treasure that your beings hold, the magnificence which makes you YOU!
The first step is to wake up from where ever you have been, to know what this place is and to know what you are waking up to. This is a process that has already begun and most of you have felt it in some way or another. Usually any awakening is preceded by some discomfort and turmoil, so that you get the message. A Universal knock on the head, a breaking down of relationships, finances, careers, deaths, health.
It is time to tap into your authentic truth, not what you have been reading in books, but what truly lies within you. These are powerful times as the energies are supportive of such actions.
The work required is that of SELF. You do not need to do anything else with others. Work on yourself, be honest with yourself, be prepared to accept the role/s that you have played and where you have contributed your part to the relationship fiascos and dramas in your life. This does not mean that you should criticize or beat yourself up, but rather take a gentle approach to your past and this aspect of yourself that may have played the role without even being conscious that this has been an old pattern. By taking this responsibility to remove blame and healing begins.
Look at the masks that you wear to those around you. What are you trying to hide? Are you afraid of upsetting others if they knew your true feelings?
There is one thing that stands in your way and that is FEAR. Whether it has to do with what others think of you, or that you wish to avoid conflict, all of this is based on putting others first and you last and therefore disempowering yourself. This creates frustration and anger within you.
Yes, it’s frightening to be totally honest with everyone that you meet. It requires of you to strip away the layers, to be vulnerable and open. Yes, some may not like it, they may call this arrogance, but in truth what this kind of authenticity brings you is the following;
You will never again stagnate in relationships. By being totally truthful( with kindness of course) you take the guess work out of what does he/she think of me. You will receive an instant reaction and if you do not, what you receive is total freedom that you have spoken your truth and you will no longer walk around with unexpressed or suppressed emotions, which takes a toll on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state as you ponder and analyze, worry and stress. You will only attract in those people and situations that resonate with your core truth. No more betrayals, as you will never take things personally as being in your truth takes away all expectation of others and allows you to see them with compassion and love.
We only expect if we do something that is not from our authentic self, expectation comes from an attachment to outcome. Attachments create more fear and place us in bondage. Whether we are attached to the past, a person, a situation, regrets all this holding on serves is to block up the energies of the wonderful, new things that wish to enter.
Is it any wonder that so many people look towards escapism? Whether it’s work, food, alcohol, sex, drugs, love addictions to name a few, this society has created a people who feel a need to escape from the pressures and restriction placed upon them.
Awakening means that no longer will we be content to just superficially skim the surface of our experiences, but that we feel something is missing, there is a bigger picture.
This week we are being asked to begin by developing an awareness in all the areas we may not be authentic, then without judgment of self we can begin to take steps towards a more authentic life.
PS: If you do not feel ready to take such steps, this is also okay and part of your journey to explore and discover. Whatever path you take, may it lead you to a place of happiness, love and peace.
Have a blessed week.
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