Life is to be alive, to live and to love, but what is death? How do we as human beings understand the loss and the pain that comes with such finality? How do we overcome the loss of a loved one, a friend particularly if it was sudden? If there were no good byes, no closure- how do we deal?
I have faced death and loss, yet again recently. It was sudden, unexpected. he was so young, had so much to live for, was busy doing and getting on with life. he has so much unfinished business. Suddenly he was gone. One minute here the next minute he ceased to exist. This was not a slow process, like illness often is, where one can prepare oneself for the inevitable.
After the shock and the disbelief, came an immense sadness, for his life that would now never be. In this sadness I realized that letting go required complete surrender. To feel and to be completely present, without trying to get away from the pain. Surrendering means letting go completely, without the questions as to why things happen. In letting go I could grieve for a life lost, but I also could be grateful for how he touched my life in all the good ways.
A loss like this reminds us that we are human, that we are fragile and we can end, but we will also have lived, touched and changed the people we have interacted with, even creating a lasting impact on this planet. This energy lives on, our love, what we have created cannot die and when we are able to release the attachment to the physical we are begin to understand that nothing is ever truly lost, it just transmutes into something different.Everything is energy and therefore continues to exist.
There are many symbolic endings to be faced in our lives, many things will have and will continue to come to an end.
Our greatest fear may well be that we fear the loss of love in our lives. In order to avoid this pain, we will often either run from it, denying its existence or we run into it, almost drowning in suffering. However when we begin to just be, when we accept how we feel, when we feel the pain and the loss, we walk through this, the end result is peace and love, for love is all around us, it can never end.
RIP my friend, until we meet again on the Other Side.
Being able to sense the presence of people that have passed, I have become aware that it is as much a journey for them as it is for us. Ours is to let go of them, theirs is to begin a new journey on the Other Side.We can help to send them on their way peacefully, by sending them Love and Light from our hearts.
Many Blessings Tanja
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